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Entry and Registration

  • Entry is permitted only for individuals over the age of 18.

  • In accordance with the "Games of Chance Act" (Zakon o igrama na sreću RH) and the internal casino rules, registration for all guests is mandatory. 

  • Registration is a one-time process, which can be updated in case of expired documents or the need for an up-to-date guest photo. 

  • During registration, the casino reception staff is obligated to take a photo of the guest and collect personal data, including name, surname, citizenship, OIB, and address, with a mandatory control and scanning of a valid identity card (personal card, driver's license, or passport).

  • Following registration, guests proceed through a metal detector frame. If necessary, the casino security officer may request the guest to present the object triggering the metal detector signal and inspect items in their bag.

  • Entrance is only allowed with small bags or other minor items, with larger items being stored in the checkroom.

  • After registration, guests receive a player card that expedites their check-in on subsequent visits to the casino.

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